Washington state’s fast, pro-active response to the coronavirus pandemic has been recognized as a vital model to follow by other states. The stay-at-home orders and social distancing protocols are well known by now, but Washington is also leading in protecting public health by preserving good air quality. The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency’s March 23 call to voluntarily restrict outdoor burning (see details here) has been taken up state-wide by ORCAA’s fellow regional air quality agencies, as well as the state Department of Ecology and the Department of Health (DOH).
Here’s what happening state-wide in regards to Air Quality Protocols under Covid-19 protective measures.
Washington’s Coronavirus Information Website
The official Washington Coronavirus website notes that the Department of Ecology is strongly discouraging outdoor burning at this time. Open burning creates the risk of an escaped fire and puts pressure on emergency personnel. As Washington continues to experience the community-wide spread of COVID-19, there is a need to minimize any additional pressure on our emergency personnel both in terms of emergency response and unnecessary potential contact with people who may have COVID-19. Smoke from even a small fire can aggravate respiratory conditions and negatively impact people who are already suffering from the effects of COVID-19.
Washington Department of Ecology (ECY) page states:
During the COVID-19 crisis, local fire departments and first responders are doing everything they can to protect their own health so that they are ready to protect others. Many people in Washington communities are also extremely concerned about their respiratory health. So before starting an outdoor burn of any type, please consider the potential impacts on your neighbors and on local emergency responders, and postpone or cancel your burn if possible.
For information on alternatives to burning, visit ecology.wa.gov/burningalternatives.
To report an illegal burn or unhealthy smoke, call 1-866-211-6284 or visit ecology.wa.gov/reportburning.