Asbestos is a hazardous pollutant
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber that has been used in more than 3,000 different construction materials and manufactured products. It is commonly found in heating system insulation, decorative spray-on ceiling treatments, vinyl flooring, cement shake siding, and a variety of additional materials.
Despite the on-going prevalence of asbestos in the things around us, there is no safe level of exposure to airborne asbestos. That’s why medical, environmental health, and regulatory organizations stress the need to protect health by minimizing exposure to airborne asbestos fibers. This is particularly true when asbestos fibers accumulate at higher levels. That can often result from improper disturbances and removals of asbestos-containing materials.
Contractors: Understand the Requirements
Asbestos projects within Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston counties REQUIRE A NOTIFICATION and require that the following conditions be met prior to the demolition or renovation. Asbestos and Demolition notifications require at least 10-days prior notice. That wait period begins after ORCAA receives completed notification form, asbestos survey, and payment.