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Asbestos & Demolition Notification Form

Asbestos & Demolition Project Notification

Demolition projects (larger than 120sq. ft.) within Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston counties REQUIRE A NOTIFICATION and require that the following conditions be met prior to the demolition.

Note: Demolition notifications require 14-days prior notice. That 14-day period begins after ORCAA receives completed notification form, asbestos survey, and payment. 

Asbestos projects are those that include more than 48 square feet or 10 linear feet (pipes) of asbestos-containing material. In these cases, a Notification must be filed with ORCAA at least 10 days before work begins unless the project meets ORCAA’s definition of an Emergency (see below). The Notification must have the start and end dates noted, as well as the location of the property.

Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) regulations (Rule 6.3 – Asbestos) define a demolition project as the wrecking, razing, dismantling, or burning (by a fire protection agency for training), or removal of any load-supporting structural member of a structure, including any related handling operations, making all or part of the structure permanently uninhabitable or unusable.

The following information is merely a reference guide and not a substitute for agency regulations.

Demolition Reference Guide

  1. Notifications are required for all demolition projects with a footprint of 120 square feet or larger.
  2. An asbestos survey is required for all demolition projects. The survey must be conducted by a certified Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) building inspector. Qualified inspectors may be found in your local Yellow Pages, through the internet, or on ORCAA’s website.
  3. Asbestos samples must be sent to a NVLAP Laboratory (National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program) per 40 CFR 763.87. A list of labs can be found on ORCAA’s website.
  4. The start date on demolition projects must be at least 14 days from the submission date of the complete application and payment.
  5. It is the responsibility of the property owner and/or demolition contractor to ensure there is no asbestos-containing material present in the structure to be demolished or renovated.
  6. Any and all structures on the same parcel of property that are not proposed to be demolished must be identified as such.
  7. A copy of the asbestos survey and the Demolition Notification must be kept on site and be available for review by Agency inspection personnel.

Asbestos Reference Guide

  1. Certified asbestos contractors can be found on ORCAA’s website, on the Washington State Labor and Industries website, as well as conducting an internet search.
  2. Asbestos samples must be sent to an NVLAP Laboratory (National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program) per 40 CFR 763.87. A list of labs can be found on ORCAA’s website.
  3. The start date for asbestos abatement projects must be at least 10 days from the submission date of the complete application and payment.
  4. It is the responsibility of the building owner and/or asbestos contractor to ensure all ACM identified (or suspected) in the survey and proposed to be removed, have been removed, and properly disposed of in accordance with ORCAA’s Regulations.
  5. A copy of the asbestos survey, Asbestos Notification, and any subsequent amendments must be kept on-site and be available for review by Agency inspection personnel.
  6. Use the Completion Notification and Amendment Form to make changes to the original notification.
  7. The original asbestos notification will expire on the Completion Date. To change the completion date, an Amendment and Completion Notification form must be received PRIOR to expiration. If the notification expires and the project is not complete, you must submit and pay for another asbestos notification.  Under no circumstances will a project be extended beyond 1 year from the original submission date.
  8. Upon completion of the project, fill out and submit an Amendment and Completion Notification, documenting the actual date of completion.

ORCAA Fee Schedule

ORCAA requires modest fees for a number of permits and programs to help cover the costs of those programs as mandated by state and federal laws. This includes Asbestos and Demolition Notification fees.

Additional Requirements:

In addition to Agency requirements, most building departments require a demolition permit (separate from ORCAA’s Notification). The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries may also require notification.

Single-Family Residence

“Single-Family Residence” means any structure containing space for use such as living, sleeping, food preparation and eating. This term includes houses, mobile homes, detached garages, houseboats, and houses with a “mother-in-law apartment” or “guest room”. This term does not include multiple-family units (i.e. apartment, duplex, condominium, etc.), nor does this term include any mixed-use building, structure, or installation that contains a residential unit.

Emergency Project

Emergency Project:  A project that was not planned but results in a public health or safety hazard; the project must proceed immediately to protect equipment, ensure continuous vital utilities or minimize property damage; ACM was encountered that was not identified during the survey or the project must proceed to avoid imposing an unreasonable burden. A non-refundable emergency fee may apply.

Amending an asbestos project notification

You are required to notify ORCAA if the following information changes:

The Original Applicant must file the Amendment Notices. Use this form to notify Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) of any changes to the original asbestos notification, including:

  1. Contractor contact information.
  2. Project Start or Completion Dates.
    1. The original notification will expire at 11:59 pm on the last Completion Date of record for the project.
    2. Submit amendments prior to 4:30 pm on the last Completion Date of record. Amendments after that time are invalid.
    3. If the notification expires and the project is not complete, you must submit and pay for another notification.
    4. Under no circumstances will a project be extended beyond 1 year from the original submission date.
  3. If the project goes “on hold” or “off hold.”
    Note: If the project will be on hold past the Completion date, the new completion date must be updated.
  4. Work shift days or hours.
  5. Any additional amount of asbestos identified and abated. If the job category changes from a non-asbestos demolition to an asbestos job, the appropriate non-refundable fee must also be included.

To submit an amendment, use the Asbestos Project Amendment Form.

After you click the Submit button there will be a short delay before you are routed to the payment window. Please be patient and do NOT click the Submit button more than once. Your notification will be sent to the email address provided. If you don’t see it, please check your junk/spam filter. Thank you.