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Resources for air quality education
ORCAA staff frequently work with local school districts and individual educators – as well as with youth groups and libraries – to provide lessons and instruction to kids. We also share resources from other clean air agencies and partner groups to make it easier for educators to track down the materials they need to craft their own air quality lesson plans.
Educational Resources
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Airnow publications. The EPA’s school Flag Program (using different colored flags at schools to mark the current air quality conditions for that school) is a great learning tool.
- EPA’s School Lesson Plan library provides well structured lesson plans on a host of topics related to air quality.
- Schools as Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers: Tips for Facility Managers, Principals, Teachers, and Parents and Caregivers | US EPA
- University of Washington’s Student-led high school research projects
Air Currents is a semi-regular newsletter produced by ORCAA. Air Currents provides detailed guidance on topics in our community.
- Asbestos and Your Health
- Asbestos and Your Responsibilities
- Stationary Diesel Generators
- Outdoor Burning — General Rules and Requirements
- Outdoor Burning – Urban Growth Area restrictions
- Asbestos and Demolition Permit requirements for contractors and Do-it-yourself homeowners.
- USEPA Boiler MACT and Area Source Rules
- Gas Stations
- Autobody shops and paintbooths. Help reduce emissions, with saving money.
Websites & Links
Washington Depart. of Ecology (ECY)