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Partnerships & Agreements

Contracts, Grants, and Interagency Agreements

ORCAA works closely with local, state, and federal agencies. Frequently, that work includes formal agreements and/or contracts to facilitate smooth transactions and business coordination.

Listed below are many of the agreements ORCAA has in place with other agencies, especially the grants with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Washington Department of Ecology (ECY):

EPA: Cheeka Peak Observatory Air Quality Monitoring Site grant

$374,792.00 – April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2027

Funding supports real-time web-based access to air quality data for the western tip of Washington State on the Makah Tribal Reservation including data collection/acquisition and validation, instrument quality control and maintenance functions, planning, equipment purchasing, air quality forecasting, and administration. Funding source is Section 103 funding that includes a contract directly with EPA since 2004.

EPA Grant (pdf)

Interagency Agreement with ECY for technical support of Air Quality Monitoring equipment and processes at CPO

Interagency Agreement Document (pdf)

ECY: Air Quality CORE Grant

$670,603.00 – funding July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025

Performance Partnership Grants (PPE) program- Section 105 of the Clean Air Act are funds that support ORCAA’s core air quality programs and are distributed through the Washington State Department of Ecology (ECY). These funds assist in managing comprehensive air quality control program across seven major categories including Enforcement, Permitting, Monitoring, Public Education, Program Development, Technical & Business Administration.

Grant Documents (pdf)

ECY: Air Quality PM2.5 Monitoring Grant

$70,000.00 – April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2028

Funding source is Section 103 of Clean Air Act.  Funds are used to operate nephelometers at Mt. View Elementary – Lacey, Harbor High School – Aberdeen, Stevens School – Port Angeles. 

Grant Documents (pdf)

Wood Smoke Reduction Grant

$288,000.00 – funding July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025

Funding provided by the WA State Legislature to improve local air quality by reducing PM2.5 pollution originating from woodstoves and other solid-fuel heating devices.  The program provides funds to the general public throught its six-county jurisdiction via partnerships with heat service providers and recyclers, with the object of of removing wood stoves and other qualifying solid-fuel combustion devices that are non-compliant with 2020 standards.  The program ensures the removal from service and destruction of noncompliant heat sources, and allows for replacing these devices with a cleaner and more efficient alternative. 

Grant documents (pdf)

Wood Smoke Education Grant

$22,795.00 – funding July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025

Funding is provided under Chapter 173-433 WAC, Solid Fuel Burning Devices.   The Program is designed to protect & enhance air quality within ORCAA’s jurisdiction to meet the goals of the State and Federal Clean Air Acts.  The funds support education including advertising, public service announcements, and costs associated with the implementation of Woodstove Public Education and Enforcement, and monitoring. 

Grant Documents (pdf)

Air Quality Monitoring Partnerships

NW-AIRQUEST | Laboratory for Atmospheric Research | Washington State University (wsu.edu)

NW-AIRQUEST seeks to develop, maintain, and enhance a sound scientific basis for air quality management decision-making in the Pacific Western Region of North America (encompassing the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska in the United States, and the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta in Canada.)

The Northwest Regional Modeling Consortium

The Northwest Consortium began in the early 1990s when a group of agencies recognized the lack of upper air data over the Puget Sound basin.  By pooling funds, five agencies could purchase a Radian 915 Mhz profiler in 1992.  By the mid-1990s, research at the University of Washington and elsewhere suggested that high-resolution mesoscale weather prediction models could be run on workstations and that the results for Northwest weather features were quite promising. 

Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council EFSEC

$116,538.00 – July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025

Funding is used to provide technical review of air emissions, permitting and monitoring services, and assist EFSEC in carrying out its regulatory oversight of Grays Harbor Energy Combustion Turbine facility.  This is a natural gas-fired electric generation facility located in Grays Harbor County. ORCAA has been providing engineering and compliance services to this facility since 2007.

Grant documents (pdf)

Small Works Roster

ORCAA uses the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) for small contracts and projects valued less than $350,000. The MRSC maintains a Small Works Roster – a pool of contractors potentially interested in contracts with affiliated agencies such as ORCAA.

To be considered for contracts with ORCAA, contractors must be listed on the roster. To be added to the Small Works Roster, visit the MRSC website.

In general, Small Works Roster projects require:

  • Prevailing wages be paid and documented in compliance with RCW 39.12.
  • A performance bond is executed in compliance with RCW 39.08 before beginning work.
  • The contractor holds a Washington State Contractors License.
  • Contract must submit a certificate of insurance naming ORCAA as additional insured party prior to beginning work.
  • Contractor must have a valid business license.
  • Contractor must provide a completed IRS Form W-9.