ORCAA released the Mason County Saturation study final report today. It can be accessed at Special Projects – ORCAA. This is the 4th saturation study report completed by ORCAA since 2015. Saturation studies were previously conducted in Clallam, Jefferson, and Thurston counties.

ORCAA operates at least one PM2.5 ambient air monitor in each county in our jurisdiction. Saturation studies ensure the permanent air monitor generally represents ambient air quality throughout the county or determines if another location would be more appropriate. The studies can also help identify the primary PM2.5 sources in a region.
During the saturation study several air quality monitors were placed in four different locations throughout Mason County for approximately one year. The final report describes study design, methods, data analysis and results, and the final decision to keep the Mason County air monitor at its current location.
This is the first saturation study where ORCAA used low-cost Purple Air sensors purchased and placed by ORCAA employees. In subsequent countywide saturation studies, ORCAA will supplement their Purple Air sensors with publicly owned sensor data that pass minimum data quality assurance. Data for the Grays Harbor County saturation study have already been collected and are currently being processed.