Public Hearing slated for Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

A public hearing regarding the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency’s (ORCAA) Draft Fiscal Year 2025 Budget will take place during the regularly scheduled June Board of Director’s meeting at 10 a.m. on June 12, 2024. The hearing will be held at ORCAA’s offices – 2940 Limited Lane NW, Olympia – and on Zoom. Details of the Zoom log-in may be found at Board Meeting Minutes – ORCAA.

The draft budget materials being considered are available for review at Notice of Public Hearing: Fiscal Year 2025 Budget – ORCAA

Written comments must be submitted to the agency no later than 10 a.m. on June 12, 2024. Oral comments may be made by attending the hearing in person, or remotely via Zoom.

ORCAA’s website will be updated with any changes or updates to the budget documents. ORCAA operates under the provisions of ORCAA’s Regulations, and laws and codes of record of the State of Washington and the United States Government.


Media Contact

Dan Nelson

Communications/Outreach Manager
