Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) issued a Final Determination regarding the permit application for the proposed direct-fired continuous dry kiln (CDK) in the facility in Raymond, Washington.
After issuing a Preliminary Determination on a permit application from Weyerhaeuser NR Company Raymond Lumbermill (Weyerhaeuser), ORCAA opened a 30-day public comment period and hosted a Public Hearing. After the close of those events, ORCAA’s engineering staff reviewed and responded to all public comments. The detailed responses and all comments received by ORCAA can be found below.
As the delegated authority implementing the New Source Review (NSR) program for its jurisdiction, ORCAA considers five criteria when making the decision to approve or deny a Notice of Construction (NOC) application for a proposed stationary source of air pollution:
- Will the proposed source comply with all federal, state, and local standards?
- Will the proposed source use best available control technology (BACT) for all pollutants whose emissions would increase?
- Will any increase in emissions result in an exceedance of any federal or state air quality standard?
- If a Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit is required, did the applicant obtain one from the delegated PSD authority–in this case, Ecology?
- Did the applicant meet all the requirements of Washington State‘s Air Toxics Rule (WAC 173-460)?
ORCAA’s Final Determination concluded the proposed facility meets all five criteria for approval in Washington and, therefore, may be approved.
The Final Determination can be found below, while the information concerning the application and public process is found at Notice of Public Hearing: Weyerhaeuser – Raymond Lumbermill permit – ORCAA
Final Determination | Response to Public Comments
Anyone wishing to object to ORCAA’s Approval Order may file an appeal with the Washington Pollution Control Hearings Board (PCHB) – https://eluho.wa.gov/boards/pollution-control-hearings-board/file-appeal – . Appeals must be filed to the PCHB and a copy served to ORCAA in accordance with Chapter 371-08 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. Filing of an appeal does not stay (stop) the effectiveness of the Approval Order.