Thanks to a grant from the state, residents of any of ORCAA’s six counties may qualify for grants to remove and destroy old, uncertified wood stoves.
The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) secured a Wood Smoke Reduction grant from the Washington Department of Ecology to provide wood stove recycling grants for its entire jurisdiction. The grant also provides funding for replacement rebates for the more densely populated areas of Thurston and Mason Counties where smoke pollution is a greater problem. One of the primary pollutants within ORCAA’s jurisdiction is fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and the main source of that pollutant is burning. With the removal of just 60 uncertified wood stoves from the community, residents will reduce emissions by 10 tons of PM2.5 per year.
Residents who burn at least 1 cord of wood per year must remove and destroy a pre-2020 New Source Performance Standard certified wood stove or fireplace insert may qualify for one of these programs.
Persons interested in the Replacement program in Thurston County or the Shelton area of Mason County should contact their local hearth products dealer, or HVAC dealer, for more details. The current rate of support for changing out a qualified wood stove to Natural Gas is $1,000, and $1800 for changing to a Ductless Heat Pump. Residents in qualified areas of Mason County, where Natural Gas is not available, may select to install a new efficient pellet stove and receive $750.
Residents who qualify for the above — who, again, burn at least 1 cord of wood per year — and who simply want to remove and destroy an old, uncertified wood appliance without installing a new gas or electric appliance may qualify for a $500 Recycling Award. Program participation is limited to available funds. To participate, download the following forms and complete them exactly as explained in the instructions on the form (and below).