Every action we take to prevent wildfires helps to reduce smoke exposure. This includes careful handling of fire, like extinguishing campfires thoroughly and not dragging chains while driving. Remember, preventing wildfires is everyone’s responsibility.
Preventing wildfires starts by reducing or eliminating all outdoor burning during wildfire season. Yard waste can be chipped or composted (by you or taken to a commercial composting facility). If those options are not workable, yard waste should be piled in a safe location and held until it is safe and legal to burn – letting the pile ‘cure’ also ensures that when it is burned, it will be dry and produce less smoke.
Other things to keep in mind:
- Before going camping, contact the land manager (state parks, U.S. Forest Service, National Parks Service, etc.) of your chosen campground to check on all current burn restrictions. If campfires are allowed, only use clean, dry firewood or charcoal for your fire.
- Fireworks ignite many wildfires each year. Stick to community-based fireworks shows whenever possible.
- When traveling with a trailer, ensure the trailer’s safety chains are not dragging – sparks from steel chains hitting roads frequently cause fires.
- Keep your home “Wildfire Ready” – Wildfire Ready Neighbors! | There’s Strength in Neighbors (wa.gov)
Reducing the use of old, uncertified woodstoves helps curb smoke in your community year-round. Fortunately, many clean air agencies in Washington offer incentives to remove and replace those old, dirty-burning wood stoves with cleaner devices. Find information about ORCAA’s program here: Wood Smoke Reduction Program – ORCAA
Let’s all do our part to protect our communities and stay #SmokeReady.