ORCAA embraces transparency and efficiency

Staff dumping old paper records into bin for bulk shredding.

The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) embraces the need to be open and transparent in its work, while still protecting the rights of individuals and businesses.


Transparency in government is not only the right thing to do, it is required under the Washington State Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW). The information contained in all correspondence with a government entity may be disclosable to third party requestors under the Public Records Act.

ORCAA maintains a great deal of information on its website, as well as on our Public Records Request Portal. For other records, you may request records through the portal, linked above.


In addition to being as open and transparent as possible, ORCAA also seeks to maintain efficiency in its records management. Therefore, when records are older than the state-required retention period, ORCAA disposes of the outdated records in a safe, clean manner. Recently, ORCAA disposed of more than 40 boxes of old records that exceeded the retention period. A commercial shredding service provided an on-site shredder to securely dispose of the records.

Prior to shredding any documents, ORCAA works closely with the  Secretary of State Archives program. ORCAA sends in a list prior to destruction to verify the documents are safe and legal for shredding. ORCAA adheres to both the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE) and the Air Pollution Control Authorities Records Retention Schedule as defined by state law.

Mobile shredding truck dumping a bin of paper for shredding.

Residents who face a similar need to get rid of personal or business papers can use shredding services as well. Many businesses offer securing shredding services at their locations. Check with the following for the service at specific locations:


Media Contact

Dan Nelson

Communications/Outreach Manager
