Public Invited to Comment on Notice of Construction applicaiton: Sierra Pacific Industries – Aberdeen

Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) Aberdeen Division Lumber Mill has filed a Notice of Construction (NOC) application with ORCAA.

SPI is an existing facility that manufactures kiln-dried lumber and wood residual byproducts from the milling process. SPI requests approval to replace their eight existing lumber dry kilns and to increase the current permitted lumber drying limit from 315 million board feet per year (MMbf/yr) to 415 MMbf/yr. Approving SPI’s requested increase in the lumber drying limit will result in increasing emission rates of several air pollutants including particulate matter, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and several Toxic Air Pollutants (TAP). Emissions increases trigger the requirement to secure ORCAA’s approval through a NOC application and a “Second Tier” Health Impact Assessment (HIA) by the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology). 

Both ORCAA and Ecology have reviewed the air implications of SPI’s proposal and recommend conditional approval of the project on grounds that criteria for approval have been met and compliance with applicable air regulations and standards will be maintained. On this basis, ORCAA’s Preliminary Recommendation is to approve SPI’s NOC application. 


Pursuant to ORCAA Rule 6.1.3(b) and WAC 173-401-800, notice is hereby given of ORCAA’s Preliminary Recommendation to approve SPI’s NOC application as described above. 


Copies of ORCAA’s Preliminary Recommendation, SPI’s Health Impact Analysis, SPI’s Permit Application, and Ecology’s Second Tier Review are available below. For addition information, please contact our office at 360-539-7610. 

Public Notice | NOC Application | ORCAA’s Preliminary Recommendation | Health Impact Assessment Report | Health Impact Assessment Report, Revision


 Comments on this case may be submitted to ORCAA in writing by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, January 8. Comments may be mailed to ORCAA at the address above or emailed to Comments that may be considered by ORCAA in making a final determination are those pertaining to the air quality implications of the proposed project. A public hearing may be requested by any person, interested governmental agency, group, or applicant. Per ORCAA Rule 6.1.3(c), a public hearing may be held if ORCAA determines significant public interest exists. 

Notices & Hearings

Posted: October 31, 2024

Comment period open until: November 14, 2024

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