Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) invites the public to submit written comments on the draft Air Operating Permit (AOP) for Westport LLC located at 1807 N. Nyhus St, Westport, WA 98595
Project Summary
Public comment is currently being accepted on a draft Air Operating Permit (AOP) Renewal for Westport LLC. Drafts of the AOP, the associated Technical Support Document (TSD), and the administrative record are available for review and comment from January 11 , 2021, through Friday, February 12, 2021.
Permitting Process Information
Copies of the draft AOP, TSD, and the renewal application are available for review at the links below. You may also contact ORCAA at (360) 539-7610 for these documents or other records.
Draft Air Operating Permit (AOP) | Draft Technical Support Document (TSD) | AOP Renewal Application
How to Comment
Submit comments by mail, fax, or email to:
Olympic Region Clean Air Agency
Attn: Lauren Whybrew
2940 Limited Lane NW
Olympia, WA 98502
FAX: (360) 491-6308
Email: lauren.whybrew@orcaa.org
Comments should relate to the adequacy of the draft AOP and TSD in assuring compliance with applicable air quality regulations and standards. Anyone concerned may request a public hearing during the public comment period. The request should include information justifying the need for a public hearing. If the public raises significant interest, ORCAA will hold and provide advanced notice of a public hearing.
All comments are due by 4:30 p.m., February 12, 2021.
About the Facility
Westport LLC is located at 1807 N. Nyhus St, Westport, WA and has been registered as an air pollutant source with ORCAA since 1990. Westport LLC manufactures luxury yachts using fiberglass reinforced plastics. The facility has also manufactured military ships in the past.
What Air Pollutants Are Emitted from Westport LLC?
Westport LLC is a major source for the compound styrene, which is both a Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) under federal air regulations and a Toxic Air Pollutant (TAP) under Washington State’s air regulations. In addition, Westport LLC emits various volatile organic compounds from their painting operations, some of which are classified as HAP and TAP. Westport LLC also emits criteria pollutants from small combustion devices.
Will Air Pollutant Emissions Increase as a Result of Approving This AOP?
No. AOPs take pre-existing air emissions limits and other air-related requirements from multiple origins such as state regulations, federal regulations, and construction permit approvals, and organizes them under a single permit. AOPs must also establish enough monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements to assure continuous compliance with applicable limits and requirements.
How Does Westport LLC Assure Compliance?
Westport LLC implements pollution prevention measures to prevent the release of Styrene and other pollutants. In addition, Westport LLC operates multiple spray booths equipped with filters to reduce emissions of particulate matter from spray application of resins, gelcoats, and paints. Periodic monitoring associated with applicable requirements are the primary means Westport LLC uses to assure compliance.
How Does ORCAA Monitor Compliance?
ORCAA monitors compliance in many ways including, but not limited to, inspecting Westport LLC at least annually and reviewing semi-annual monitoring reports. ORCAA has regulatory authority to issue notices of violation and assess penalties.