Public Invited to Comment on Draft AOP renewal: Simpson Door Co.

The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) firmly believes in its motto,  “Clean Air is Everyone’s Business.” As such, ORCAA seeks to keep everyone within our jurisdiction well informed about the actions­—and proposed actions—we take.

Notice Summary

Public comment is currently being accepted on a draft Air Operating Permit (AOP) Renewal for the Simpson Door Company. AOPs are required pursuant to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act and are designed to help ensure compliance with applicable air quality regulations and standards. AOPs have a fixed permit term, after which they must be renewed. This will be the third renewal of the initial AOP issued on May 18, 2005, for Simpson Door.

About the facility:

The Simpson Door Facility is a wood door manufacturing plant located at 400 Simpson Avenue in McCleary, Washington. The plant produces wood doors and has been in existence since the early 1940s. Simpson Door requires an AOP because it has the potential to emit over 100 tons per year of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 microns (PM10) and over 100 tons per year of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 12.5 microns (PM2.5). The Simpson Door Facility currently includes eight significant emissions units: a wood-fired boiler (decommissioned), a wood residuals transport system, a natural gas and propane-fired package boiler, 12 lumber dry kilns, a surface coating line, two emergency engines, and a glues and adhesives line.

What air pollutants are emitted from SIMPSON DOOR?

The Simpson Door Facility is a major source of PM10 and PM2.5. It is therefore subject to Title V of the federal Clean Air Act and required to operate under an AOP.

Will air pollutant emissions increase as a result of approving this AOP?

No. AOPs take pre-existing air emissions limits and other air-related requirements from multiple origins such as state regulations, federal regulations, and construction permit approvals, and organize them under a single permit. AOPs must also establish sufficient monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements to assure continuous compliance with applicable limits and requirements.

How does Simpson Door assure compliance?

Simpson Door operates several air pollution control devices and implements pollution prevention measures to meet air emissions limits and standards. All air pollution control equipment and monitoring systems are explained in the TSD for Simpson Door.

How does ORCAA monitor compliance?

ORCAA monitors compliance by several means, including, but not limited to, inspecting Simpson Door at least annually, observing air emissions testing, reviewing semi-annual monitoring reports, reviewing emissions monitoring data, and evaluating the performance of Simpson Door’s air pollution control systems. ORCAA is an enforcement agency with the authority to issue notices of violation and assess penalties.

How to submit your comments:

To submit your comments for the public record, send them by mail, fax, or email. Comments should pertain to the adequacy of the AOP and TSD in assuring compliance with applicable air quality regulations and standards. Any concerned party may request a public hearing within the specified public comment period. The request should include information to justify the need for a public hearing. If there is significant public interest, ORCAA will hold and will provide advanced notice of a public hearing.

  • Deadline: January 15, 2023
  • Notice #: 22AOP1559
  • Point of Contact: Aaron Manley, 360-539-7610
  • Email:
  • Fax: (360) 491-6308
  • Mail: ORCAA, 2940 Limited Lane NW, Olympia, WA 98502

What happens after the public comment period ends?

ORCAA will consider and provide responses to all comments received during the comment period. If there is significant public concern, ORCAA will schedule a public hearing and provide 30 days advanced notice. Notice of ORCAA’s final action on this AOP will be provided to all persons and entities who submitted comments during the public comment period and, in conjunction with the public hearing if one is held.

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