Public Invited to Comment on Draft AOP renewal: Sierra Pacific Industries, Shelton

The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) firmly believes in its motto,  “Clean Air is Everyone’s Business.” As such, ORCAA seeks to keep everyone within our jurisdiction well informed about the actions­—and proposed actions—we take.

Public comment is currently being accepted on a draft Air Operating Permit (AOP) Renewal for the Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) lumber-mill located in Shelton, Washington. SPI Shelton is a lumber-mill located on Front Street along the Oakland Bay waterfront in Shelton. The facility includes a sawmill, planing mill, steam generating plant, log yard and rail loading facilities. The mill produces kiln-dried dimensional lumber, primarily Douglas fir and hemlock. SPI’s Shelton lumber-mill requires an AOP because it has the potential to emit over 100 tons per year of several regulated air pollutants including carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. AOPs are required pursuant to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act and are designed to help ensure compliance with applicable air quality regulations and standards. This will be the first renewal of the AOP for the SPI Shelton facility.

Copies of the permit application, draft AOP and associated Technical Support Document (TSD) are on file (linked below) and available for review at the Shelton branch of the Timberland Public Library located at 710 W Alder Street in Shelton, and at ORCAA’s office in Olympia.

Permit Application | DRAFT Air Operating Permit | DRAFT Technical Support Document | Public Notice

Written comments on the draft AOP and TSD may be submitted to ORCAA at the following address: ORCAA, 2940 Limited Lane NW, Olympia, WA 98502. Comments may also be emailed to Comments will be accepted up to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 25, 2018. Comments should pertain to adequacy of the draft AOP and TSD in assuring compliance with applicable air quality regulations and standards. Any concerned party may request a public hearing within the specified public comment period. The request should include information to justify the need for a public hearing. If there is significant public interest, ORCAA will hold a public hearing.

Notices & Hearings

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Comment period open until: February 21, 2025

Posted: February 6, 2025

Comment period open until: February 21, 2025

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