The unusual heat and lack of rain throughout the month of May has prompted the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to raise the fire danger ratings for much of western Washington.
Within ORCAA’s jurisdiction, the new DNR burn restrictions currently cover Thurston and Mason Counties, and the eastern portions of Clallam, Jefferson, and Grays Harbor Counties. The DNR restrictions state:
Effective 6/02/2023: Rule Burning is PROHIBITED within the Central Lowlands FDRA. Permitted burning is allowed subject to applicable regulations. Campfires are allowed, however campfires are not allowed on state land except as permitted in campgrounds. Contact the applicable county for information on recreation burning on improved property. Contact Department of Ecology to check if an air-quality ban is in place for your area.
Due to the DNR concerns about wildfire dangers, ORCAA has suspended its Land Clearing Burn program. Currently, the DNR burn restrictions cover Thurston and Mason Counties and the eastern sections of Clallam, Jefferson, and Grays Harbor Counties, but that zone is likely to expand in the coming days or weeks. Those desiring Land Clearing Burn Permits in areas that may still be open should contact ORCAA at (360) 539-7610, to check on updated restrictions. The permit program will reopen when DNR deems it fire-safe to do so. You can find DNR’s fire danger map here: https://fortress.wa.gov/dnr/protection/firedanger/