Burn restrictions lifted

boats at marina

The change in weather this weekend has helped clear our air, bringing back good air quality. As a result, ORCAA has lifted all temporary restrictions on burning and reopened our burn permit forms.

But just because you can burn, does not mean you have to. Burning wood creates smoke composed of fine and very fine particulate matter (PM2.5). These tiny particles are too small to be filtered by the nose and the body’s other natural defense mechanisms. They may end up being inhaled deep into the lungs. That means that exposure to wood smoke may cause breathing problems. It may also increase the severity of existing lung disease, such as asthma. Smoke also has been shown to aggravate heart and vascular disease.

Rather than burning yard, homeowners could opt to use alternative means of disposal to clean up their yards. Chipping and composting are the best options, though other alternatives to burning are also available. You can find more details on the options at Outdoor Burning – ORCAA or by calling your local waste disposal company.

Also please keep in mind that burning trash is ILLEGAL at all times throughout Washington.


Media Contact

Dan Nelson

Communications/Outreach Manager
